Kong Shin Bup International LLC - 7 Jasper Lane, Nashua NH 03063 - 971-645-1152 - kevin_janisse@hotmail.com
DVD Shop
Belt Level DVD's contain all forms and techniques for
Kong Shin Bup and Kuk Sool HapKiDo.
Belt Level DVD
Step by step instruction by Grandmaster Janisse and
explanation of movements and theory.
Weapon DVD's contain all forms and techniques for
Kong Shin Bup and Kuk Sool HapKiDo including Sword,
Short Stick, and Staff.
Weapons DVD
Step by step instruction by Grandmaster Janisse and
explanation of movements and theory.
Grandmaster Timmerman and Master Janisse have
been working together for years to provide the highest
quality seminars for students all around the world.
Here is a small collection of some of the seminars they
have presented together.
Topics include: HapKiDo Theory, Short Stick, Cane
Technique, Soft Breaking, Joint Locks, Weapons Forms,
and much more.
Seminar DVD
Seminars - KMAF
Korean Martial Arts Festival 2007-2013
Since 2007 the month of April has marked the time for
martial artists to gather from across the world to
participate in the Korean Martial Art Festival in
Crestview, Florida.hosted by Master Thomas Gordan.
Grandmaster and Master Instructors who present
include: Rudy Timmerman, Kwang Hwang, James
McMurray, Marlin Sims, Geoff Booth, Kevin Janisse, In
Wan Kim, Troy Trudeau, Monty Hendrix, Dante James,
Wesley Wing, Doug Custer, Dusty Miner, Steve Kincade,
Chris DuFour, Gregory Bledsoe, and Calvin Longton.
Topics of interest include: Short stick, Pressure Points,
Ankle Locks, Punch Defense, Kick Defense, Jump Kicks,
Cane, Joint Locks, Throwing, Gun Defense, ITF Sine
Wave, Knife Throwing, and Small Joint Locks.
Each DVD set contains between 4 to 6 hours of
material....A must have for any martial artist.
If you are interested in multiple DVD purchases please
contact Grandmaster Janisse for special discounts.
Special Events
20th Anniversary Can-Am Classics
$30.00 + S&H (U.S.A. Only)
Features Demonstrations with Master Rudy
Timmerman and Grandmaster In Hyuk Suh.
Also includes Master Sung Jin Suh and other Kuk Sool
World Kido Korea Trip 2006:
Features Masters Demonstration with Master Kevin
Janisse and Seminar with Grandmaster In Sun Seo.
$30.00+S&H (U.S.A. Only)
SAVE $50.00
Complete Black Belt Set - $255.00